“If my journey has taught me anything, it is to hold on. Don’t give up.”

— Sarah McCabe

My Story

Sarah McCabe - Hope Health Healing

I was told I wouldn’t walk again and that I shouldn’t have children, as my back couldn’t support a pregnancy.

I’m Sarah McCabe.

I’m a walking, talking, mum of three.

I’m a fully trained acupuncturist based in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland.

I’ve been through a turbulent journey to get where I am today, physically and emotionally.

I want to share my skills and knowledge with you, showing you just how well our bodies and minds can be.

What I won’t do is pretend that it’s not a tough journey.  I’m real and honest but with a huge desire and belief in bringing hope, health and healing into the lives of anyone struggling.

I always wish someone had spoken encouragement and hope into my life after my accident, so here I am, wanting to bring this to anyone who needs an extra little sparkle of hope.

I’ve always been determined and I thank God for that. But I remember so clearly lying in my bed, terrified of moving any which way for the fear of the shooting pains hurtling through my body, making me scream in pain, and hearing my little baby crying needing lifted.  Having to turn to my husband, yet again, to ask him to get her. My head and heart were tortured.  I had so much to live for, but yet I didn’t know if I wanted to experience another day in that excruciating, debilitating pain.

The words of doctors and results from scans over the years swirling in my head,

“You’ll be in a wheelchair by the time you’re 30”

“Things are only going to get worse”

“You’ll loose strength”


What was the point of even trying to hope for the future?!

Then I stumbled across acupuncture.

 I found it changed something in me, it gave me a little bit of relief, it seemed to clear my head… in fact, enough to attempt to think about trying to come off some of my crazy meds.

Little by little as I dared to open my world again to movement and hope I started to believe in a brighter future.

Fast forwarding a huge amount of ups and downs, I was eventually in the place where I had the chance to study this literally life changing therapy.  Through a lot of pain at times, crazy stress and 3 years of hard studying I qualified in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture in 2016.


I started with case studies and now have a thriving clinic with a full client base.  I have the honour of helping to bring my clients bodies and minds into a better place of being for healing and hope.

Whether that is in the form of;

* Easing pain

* Regulating sleeping patterns

* Supporting fertility treatments

* Balancing hormones

* Supporting and regulating emotional balance

* Facial rejuvenation and confidence in ageing 

If you are in a place where you are struggling or loosing a little bit of hope, please know that our bodies are incredible.  They desire to be as well as they can be and they CAN renew and regenerate.

Life can be heartbreaking, it can feel too much.. but it can also be beautiful.  If my journey has taught me anything, it is to hold on. Don’t give up. 


Life is amazing.

And then it’s awful.

And then it’s amazing again.

And in between the amazing and awful

it’s ordinary and mundane and routine.


Breathe in the amazing.

hold on through the awful, and relax

and exhale during the ordinary.


That’s just living heartbreaking,

soul-healing, amazing, awful,

ordinary life.


And it’s breathtakingly


— L.R. Knost