Ear Seeding

Ear seeds are a form of auricular acupuncture, a really powerful tool used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to access and balance different parts of the body and calm the mind, all within the ear.

They’re commonly made from tiny vaccaria seeds laid under a small adhesive plaster that is fixed in a specific place on the ear, for around 5 days. They’re disposable, and tend to fall off of their own accord, in the shower or sleeping at night. 

By intermittently applying pressure with the fingertips, directly onto the ear seed and its underlying point, you can help balance its corresponding body part by redirecting, nourish or dialling down the energy flow to that area. 

So, essentially, ear seeds work by the same principles of acupuncture, just on a much smaller scale and with no needles involved.

I have been using ear seeds in my practise since 2016 and have seen time and time again the power they bring. So much so, that I have now designed and created my own ‘Home Ear Seeding Kits’ for you to use in-between treatments or as a stand alone therapy for yourself and your family, children and friends.