Introduction To Hope Health Healing

If you see me up the town you’d reckon I’m pretty much a ‘normal’ girl, mum of 2, married, living locally and getting on and enjoying life.  I guess what you wouldn’t see is that on a most typical day I am in quite a lot of pain and doing my absolute utmost to keep everything balanced and at ease.


I had a road traffic accident in Africa 17 years ago and broke my back in 5 places, puncturing my lungs and breaking my ribs.  I was told it was very unlikely I’d be able to walk again.  My friend died beside me in that accident and I believed I was on my way out too.  This has left me with a great deal of both physical and emotional trauma to work with on a day-to-day basis.

This all sounds very doom and gloom but I believe that being on this path has quite literally forced me to find a way to change, to manage, to deal with but most importantly to instil hope back into my life again.  And on the majority of days, you will see me with a pretty big smile on my face thankful for this chance at life…. But it’s no plain sailing!

I stumbled across acupuncture through a pain management clinic years ago and have been on a life changing journey studying it, alongside Traditional Chinese Medicine for 3 years, and am now a fully qualified acupuncturist myself.

It was through my studies that I discovered our body’s natural cycle to renew and heal! This alone gave me so much hope that my very own broken body may just have a little bit of potential to heal and be at ease again

I am a big believer in ‘natural’ healing and will be writing about what I find helpful and what I find better to avoid in my own life to keep me, my mind, my body and soul as at ease and balanced as I possibly can.

I hope you enjoy following this bumpy journey with me!

Sarah x


Just breathe…….