Use your spoons wisely

I’m not too sure if many of you will recognise this ‘theory’ but if you have any type of chronic illness or pain, or care about someone who does, it is well worth a read.

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The ‘spoon theory’ came about by a young girl Christine Miserandino trying to explain to her friend how her condition limits her every day life.  It is a really brilliant way of explaining things and I urge you to read it in Christine’s own words following this link; 

So the reason I’m chatting about this today is because I well and truly used up all my spoons plus a good few extra thrown into the bargain last week. I had a very exciting launch coming up at work, I was preparing for an event for the following week, on top of seeing my clients as usual, doing the school runs, homeworks, trying to keep my house in some sort of order and BANG my back had had enough.

I felt it building, I got the warning signs but I pushed and pushed until my body literally screamed at me and I had to take to my bed in a panicked, painful, stressed and fearful state.  Thankfully, with the help and support of my hubby, good friends and pulling out all the tools in my TCM toolkit, I have been able to slowly come round to some sort of normality again.

You would think almost 18 years of living with this I would be wiser and pick up the instant things are getting too much… but I have to give myself permission to be the person I was before the accident too. The person who loves to be busy, who thrives on exciting new challenges and loves to push myself to see the exciting things I am capable of doing and bringing to my business.  So accepting I only have so many spoons in my hand is a big ask, but from the physical and emotional pain I went through last week it’s a lesson I really do need to get learning. 


Mind Body Connection


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