Feeling hot hot hot!

As a lot of you will have seen from my face book page, I am now working from my new ‘cabin’. It is just wonderful to get my work and home life separate and it has been a total joy to have a fresh, clean canvass to make my own.


One of the highlights of having my own space to work with has been being able to bring a 4 person outdoor barrel infrared sauna to Hope Health Healing!

I first discovered the sweaty joys and benefits of one of these when I went to the wonderful Caroline at Orba for massage therapy.  They have a beautiful infrared sauna and Caroline explained that it was good for joint pain, so I was vey eager to try it out… and I was not disappointed!

Infrared saunas are different to steam saunas as they heat ‘you’ up rather than heating the air around you, they make the water molecules in the body vibrate and break down, to release toxins that you then sweat out.  This process has so many wonderful benefits;

1. Detoxification

Sweating is one of the body’s most natural ways to eliminate toxins, making it a crucial part of detoxification. When compared to traditional Swedish saunas, infrared saunas allow you to eliminate about seven times more toxins.

2. Relaxation

Infrared sauna therapy promotes relaxation by helping to balance your body’s level of cortisol, your body’s primary stress hormone. The heat generated by the sauna will also help to relax muscles and relieve tension throughout the body, allowing you to relax and de-stress.

3. Pain Relief

If you suffer from muscle aches or joint pain, infrared saunas can relieve this form of inflammation by increasing circulation and relaxing your muscles.

4. Weight Loss

The heat generated by an infrared sauna will cause your core temperature to increase, which can also lead to an increased heart rate — the same increase in heart rate that you experience when exercising. When your body has to work harder to lower your core temperature or keep up with an increased heart rate, your body will burn more calories, resulting in weight loss. A 30-minute infrared sauna session could burn roughly 600 calories!

5. Improved Circulation

As the heat from infrared saunas increases your core body temperature, your circulation will increase along with it. Consistent infrared sauna sessions can stimulate blood flow, improve muscle recovery, and decrease pain and inflammation.

6. Skin Purification

Infrared sauna technology can help purify your skin by eliminating toxins from your pores and increasing circulation, resulting in clearer, softer, and healthier-looking skin.

 I have been using this wee beauty supplied by Hot Tubs Omagh.  I really look forward getting away for 30 mins and always come out so much more relaxed and refreshed.  I am providing a discounted rate for acupuncture clients to add on to the end of their treatments as I think they compliment each other beautifully, but it is available  to anyone who feels they would like to come for a half hour to get a little boost and a discounted rate applied if you bring a friend or two.  So please feel free to get in touch if you would like to try this out, I’ll reply as soon as I’m out of the sauna!


It’s a gut feeling.


Spring has Sprung!