Spring has Sprung!

Spring has sprung! Maybe you’re not feeling the joys? Maybe you feel almost the opposite and are getting fed up with yourself? Well grab a cuppa and have a read, you may be surprised to see it’s more about an internal imbalance, so be kind and patient with yourself always!While winter was a time to hibernate and conserve energy, spring is a time of regeneration, new beginnings, and a renewal of spirit. During the change of season it is normal to start exhibiting signs of allergies and bursts of negative emotions.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) we change, physically and emotionally with the seasons, these changes occur in five distinct stages.  

Each of these stages is associated with a particular time of year, a specific element in nature and the corresponding organs in the body. (I will go into each organ and its emotional connection another time, as it is fascinating!)


Spring is associated with the wood element and this element governs the liver and the gallbladder and is associated with the emotion of anger.

The Wood Element & Anger

The wood element is persistent and filled with creative potential. It has the energy of a new beginning, a new vision and a new cycle. If you have been resting during winter, you emerge into spring ready to live life to its fullest, with new ideas, new decisions and a new vision.


If the wood element is unbalanced, our vision and capacity to make decisions is blocked. This results in anger, lack of self-confidence, and an increase of aggression and confrontation...  recognise any of these?

If the wood element is healthy, we are capable of handling this lack of vision with more calm and balance.

Corresponding organs ~ Liver & Gallbladder

The liver is responsible for keeping the free and easy flow of blood, energy and emotions throughout the body, mind and spirit.

Similarly to the wood element, the liver is associated with energy and flow. The same applies to the gallbladder, which is responsible for decision-making.

 If you are constantly feeling anxious and angry, having trouble in seeing things clearly, or in making a decision, it is important that you notice these warning signals and take action before they take root.

 As part of my treatment plan I spend time on an initial consultation asking questions based around your emotions and ‘balance’ in your life, I do this as I am looking specifically for ‘clues’ to see if there is imbalance within an organ/s.

Acupuncture stimulates specific points in your body by inserting thin needles into the skin to help improve health, treat specific organs and balances your overall system… I know I’m a tad bias, but I just love it and the effects it can bring!


Feeling hot hot hot!


When life throws a curve ball….