Making All Things New

What a magical sight this was to see this evening at the end of my first week back at work.

It has been a long road since the last time I wrote a blog, with my precious daddy loosing his battle to cancer.

Dad was a real strong anchor in my life and it has been a rough, choppy and unsettling time trying to navigate these new times without him.  But seeing this double rainbow tonight over my cabin gave me a lovely sense of his presence and love beside me again.

Dad had a real strong faith in God and I remember him telling me, with tears in his eyes, of a dream he had the night his mum (my granny) passed away.  Granny had had a horrible old run with Alzheimer’s and she wasn’t her self at all when she died.  Dad had dreamt seeing her, old and confused, at the side of a beautiful, crystal clear lake… he saw her step down into the lake and cover herself completely in the beautiful waters.  Dad then spoke of how he saw her triumphantly emerge from the waters, as a young woman he remembered when he was little.  Not a pain or ache and nothing holding her back, released into the carefree, vibrant and full of life woman he remembered from years ago. 

I remember dad during his last weeks and months, dealing with the cancer treatments and processing the news he was given and how tired and weak he was in the last while before he passed… and seeing these rainbows tonight makes me remember God’s promises, that He will make all things new, He will burst bonds apart, bringing people out of darkness and the shadow of death.  I like to imagine dad now as that strapping big farmer I remember so well, with gorgeous healthy rosy cheeks, out roaming his fields, able to put his hand to any task he was given.

Dad was so chuffed with my wee cabin and just loved looking around it and seeing the little things I had done to it… he loved hearing the success stories my clients shared and my mum loves to tell me how proud he was of what I had achieved.  Going back to work this week felt bitter sweet, as it felt a little like things were going back to ‘normal’ again and I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready to feel like that again without dad by my side.

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So I’m sharing this with the belief that my dad is still proud of me, still happily watching over me and getting little kicks out of my clients successes and me working at trying to bring hope, health and healing back into the lives of everybody that walks through the doors of my little cabin.




Panic Stations!