
I’ve had a busy few weeks since I last wrote… one of the main things that took up a lot of my time was organising a Macmillan Fundraiser in memory of Dad and Granny MoMo.

We had to adjust our plans from our coffee morning quite a bit with regards to the new covid restrictions and ended up having a stall at the end of our lane and preparing little goodie bags of bakes and treats for everyone who ‘drove by’ and very kindly donated.

We were totally blown away by the kindness of people around us, the amount of people who baked for us, and then everyone who drove by and supported us, what a beautiful way to see love and kindness in action.

We raised an amazing amount of £1,247.30!

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This left me with that fuzzy feeling of support, love and encouragement and made me realise yet again the impact we can have on each other for good. 

I have seen and felt the impact of kindness so vividly in the darkest of times this year.  Tender, genuine hugs given, precious tears shed together, thoughtful gestures, time taken to make up and send parcels, write cards, messages and letters… the list could go on.

How beautiful it feels to look back on one of the toughest years we as a family have experienced and see so many sparks of love and kindness dotted throughout it.

So I encourage you to go that extra mile for someone, write that message or bake that cake, lift the phone or even give that smile and listening ear.  You don’t know the depth of the impact that small gesture will have on that other persons day, week or even year.  Heck they could remember you with fondness for the rest of their life! 

I write this with such a full heart feeling thankful, grateful and blessed for all the kindness I am surrounded by.  Also with a much deeper understanding of the importance and even the honour it is to give something from one heart to another. 

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Sarah x


Perfectly Imperfect Self Care


Making All Things New