Perfectly Imperfect Self Care

I often get a few good giggles when my girlies get their hands on my phone.  It ends up in me finding random ‘selfie’ poses of them or taking the most peculiar photos and videos carrying on in true Lily and Anna style, it really does make me laugh.

A few days ago I came across a section of photos Anna had taken of me while I was doing my yoga and pilates.  I really do try to add these to my day as they make a big difference in not only how I feel physically but mentally too.  It helps me so much to get my body moving and feel that little bit loser and I always hark back to that old Chinese saying that I love so much, “When there is no movement there is pain,  but when there is movement there is no pain.”

But back to these photos….

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I guess when you think about taking the time to add ‘self care’ into your day, you think of peaceful walks in nature, relaxing into a bubble filled, scented bath surrounded by candles, having a beautifully decorated, snug room to relax into and read a book.. you get the pretty picture?  What I saw in these photos of one of my most important daily self care tasks was however -

Me in my old jammies

An untidy room

Clothes drying on the radiator

A toddler running round me, standing on my messy hair

But I felt;

Grateful to be able to release and relax my body

Joy in the movements

Thankful for the love and laughter in the room

So I would say most whole-heartedly that I got a great deal from practising my yoga and pilates that morning.  I could very easily have decided that I shouldn’t even attempt it with the kiddies running about, I could have decided that I should really tidy the room instead or prioritise getting my shower and hair done but then having no time for my yoga.

So the moral of this wee ramble?  Don’t wait for things to be perfect for you to do them!  If it’s a walk in the rain, or with the noisy kids, or with a sore head… do it rather than choosing not to because things aren’t ideal.  If it’s not going to a class (when we’re able to again) because you don’t have the perfect clothes, or you don’t feel ‘good’ enough yet, just leave those perfectionistic traits at the door and go on anyway, your body and mind will thank you for it!

I keep going over a saying I heard not too long ago which says, “Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.”  I LOVE this and think as the perfectionist that I am, it may just have to become my new mantra!

Sarah x


Keep the fire burning this winter

