When life throws a curve ball….

I spent the weekend in the hospital with my little girl.  I received one of those awful phone calls from the school on Friday afternoon, rushed to accident and emergency and soon realised we would have to spend the weekend looking after our super brave girl who needed an operation to fix her very badly broken arm.



My fearful side was screaming at me almost instantly, “You’re already really sore today, you’ll not be fit for the car journey never mind the sitting about, and what if you don’t get a bed too, this is going to bring on a crazy flare up and you’re going to be in so much pain, how can you look after Anna when your back’s going to be so sore yourself?” and on and on and on…..


When I realised what my brain was at I stopped, did my 7/11 breathing technique, calmed myself down and took the time to listen to my body and see what was actually going on and not the worst case scenario fears which were screaming at me.

Yes I was in pain…. But I was able to put a full stop after that.

I was able to take a few lighter meds, get my earseeds in for the journey, put on some relaxing essential oils and pack a few things in the hospital bag in case my pain did flare up.


Thankfully I got a bed, I was able to remain calm and although very sore, I was able to cope.  Anna had an amazing surgeon who did a superb job, the nurses were absolutely fabulous and couldn’t have helped us more and we got back home and settled late on Saturday evening.


Yes, the whole experience has played havoc with my pain and I’m still suffering the consequences but in the grand scheme of things I was never not going to be there for Anna so I just have to be kind and gentle with myself now and little by little hopefully it will ease.


Upon reflection, I look back and see those mums and dads in there with their extremely sick children, the ones who know hospital life like the back of their hands, the ones who’s face look riddled with a mix of worry, exhaustion but pure dedication and I look at Anna playing in front of me right now and I thank God for her and her amazing ability to heal.


I got through the weekend, and I know those amazing mums and dads in that hospital will find the strength and courage to get through too, somehow….


I did a quick search about on the internet to find a good few points on coping through difficult times and found these ‘ten forgotten truths’ to help you get through hard times – I think they’re pretty spot on and hopefully will resonate with you too….

1.  Pain is part of life and love, and it helps you grow.

2.  Mindset is half the battle.

3.  Your biggest fears don’t really exist.

4.  You are growing through experience.

5.  You can’t change situations you don’t take responsibility for.

6.  The present is all you really have to deal with.

7.  There is always, always, always something to be thankful for.

8.  Great things take time.

9.  Other people cannot validate you.

10. You are not alone.

Sarah x


Spring has Sprung!


The fear of making plans!